
Banco di Vita


The work represents a glimpse of cultural and daily life in Catania centered on an economy of exchange from which a collective well-being develops all around and takes root under the blessing of the beloved patron saint St. Agata and the good omen of the iconic “liotro” (the elephant in sicilian language) with the watchful eye of the Bank of Italy which protects and makes the community prosper. 

By the low side of Volcano Etna, the mural represents a glimpse of real life: a recreational centre, folk music and dances and an open-air table.

Going up, we enter the beating heart of the Catania market, among the games of glances and trading stalls which are the vital fulcrum of Catania society and, ultimately, whole of Italy.

Prosperity is also ensured by the incessant cultural exchan- ge that is repeated from ancient Magna Grecia, represented here symbolically by a philosophical school that questions itself.

A tribute to the traders, artists, students and inhabitants of Catania, to invite everyone to remember the true wealth that the Bank of Italy has safeguarded for years: our culture.


Via Don Luigi Sturzo | Via Sada | Catania (IT)



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